To deliver superior service to enhance individual and organizational effectiveness.
Target Audience:
Individuals, teams, staff members, and leaders.
Colleges, universities, corporations, government entities, and community organizations.
Military and para-military organizations.
Two-hour, four-hour, and eight-hour training sessions.
* Present on elevating individual and organizational performance using the principles of leadership, building values, and character development.
* Present on embracing cultural diversity, teamwork, and the crafts of being successful contributors to the overall objective(s).
* Present on renewing individual and organizational focus by infusing causative motivation and increase actions that align to defined, as well as inferred needs.
* Present on specific topics deemed by the organizational leaders for professional development and targeted program improvement.
Shakeenab Consulting Services will provide training material. Participants are required to implement a positive and business-oriented approach to learning during the training.
End State:
Make a quantifiable impact on individual performance and organizational effectiveness.
To BOOK NOW, please contact Shakeenab Consulting Services at:
phone: 931.436.6464
Shakeenab Consulting Services looks forward to the opportunity to serve you.
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